While being gainfully employed is a significant accomplishment, second chance employees face many obstacles while rising from the ashes. To rise above the challenges, community is crucial. This is why Transformation Trail is partnering with Second Chance employers to address car repair needs. Through Transformation Trail’s partnerships, our team has set a place and time to address car repair needs. Typically the location is on-site at the Second Chance Employer’s location for convenience purposes of the employee. During this time, we also will guide vehicle maintenance teaching, as needed. Most importantly, we will take time to engage those we serve. Community support is much more than provision of needs. The biblical community is defined in Acts as a community marked with compassion, devotion, continuity and increase. Its also much more than just works. Its the love of God in Christ Jesus. “Out of the wreck I rise every time.” Oswald Chambers
Click REGISTER HERE (coming soon) in order to enter your contact information or click SURE! I’D LOVE TO HELP to volunteer for an upcoming car service day.